Well, now that the holidays are behind us, I know many of you will be eager to get work on your business and personal growth in the new year. For many, this will start with a modern and updated headshot. 

How do you know it is time for a modern and updated headshot?

1, If you are planning on a career change, it’s time for a new headshot.  Many times, the job search is focused exclusively online.  Think about how many people will come across your headshot on LinkedIn. Just as you would want to put your best foot forward in person, you need to online as well.  It is vital in today’s digital world, that your online presence is updated, professional looking and reflective of your industry.  

2. It’s also important to update your digital brand if you have not had an updated headshot in over 3 years. 
Many times, people contact me that need a last minute headshot for professional purposes. Perhaps their paper is being published and the publisher needs a new headshot. You will want to be able to confidently send over your professional headshot. 

3. Finally, if you offer a service that is typically booked online, it’s very important that you have a professional image on your website. You will want to show the face behind the service that your client is hiring. Any professional that works in an industry that welcomes professionals into the home. For example, if you work in home services, wills and estates, real estate, accounting  where people hire you and you will be welcomed into their home. 

Are you ready to book your headshot? please reach out to me