Now, more than ever, it is vital you have an updated head shot displayed on your various social media. The current pandemic has caused our world to change dramatically for many reasons. Much of our interaction is now online and very well may be for the foreseeable future. If you are still utilizing an outdated head shot, it could be sending your audience, clients and viewers the wrong message.

Do any of the following apply to you?

Are you looking for a new job?
Or perhaps considering a career change?
Will you be focusing more on self-promotion through publishing in business/industry press?
Are you exploring the option of increasing your advertising?
Are you needing to get in front of more clients to make up for the lost income from the previous months?

…Read on! 


5 reasons you need an updated head shot:

Your head shot is more than 2 years old 

Your head shot, whether it is on your LinkedIn profile or your website, is many times the FIRST impression people have of you. It is part of your overall visual brand messaging and communicates to those potential clients and/or employers how you want to be known. You do not want to communicate that you are dated and stale, do you?

Your visual imaging is not a true reflection of your current business or you

People want to know who they are working with-  make sure your head shot captures YOU! Many occupations require visits to clients’ homes but for some reason, your head shot has a stiff, corporate feel. If you are asking clients to trust you by inviting you into their home, make sure your imaging reflects that you are welcoming, warm and trustworthy. 

You are pivoting your business to be more online-based

Pre-pandemic, did you typically meet with clients in person but now will move to more virtual meetings? Make sure that your online presences reflects you in a current light. You certainly don’t want new clients to be surprised by what they see when they hop onto their first video conference call with you!  


Now more than ever, consumers want to shop small (or think they are shopping small)

We all have seen the surge of support for small business which is wonderful! You need to utilize that momentum to capture your audiences’ attention. Even if you work for a larger company, showing a more personal side to you via you visual branding can help showcase the individualized service you can provide for the client.

An investment in custom head shots will pay dividends

LinkedIn reports that users with an sharp image in their profile receive 21 times more profile views, according to Forbes writer Marcia Layton Turner.  Consider how that translates to the various social media platforms. Now, more than ever, you will need to put your best foot forward. 

An outdated and thoughtless head shot could very well make you look outdated and thoughtless. Let me help you optimize your personal visual branding and make those connections with others!

And if you made it this far…YAY- and here’s a pretty sweet reward.  

I’m offering $50 off my head shot session to ALL MY NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS! Get on the list here!

Reach out via text or email and let’s set up a time to chat. Oh and I have a range of lenses, including longer lenses so I will be capturing images from a safe distance.
