Though it’s hard to say which session is my favorite, I always seem to really love photographing the littlest ones who have just been welcomed into their families. I am especially fond of seeing brand new parents love on their tiniest, newest family members.

For my newborn session, I always go to the family’s home. I like for the parents to be comfortable during own session and it is easiest on mom and baby.  Some clients have expressed concern that their home or apartment may not have the best lighting. However, as long as there are a few large windows, we can make it work. My equipment can handle low light situations just fine, and many times, for the close up shots of the baby, we situate right next to a door or window.

During this session, mom and dad could not stop looking at 2 week old Luke. They simple adore him and what he has brought to their family, in such as short amount of time. The love is so apparent.


denver newborn photography denver newborn photography Molly Garg Photography denver newborn photography Molly Garg Photography denver newborn photography Molly Garg Photography denver newborn photography Molly Garg Photography denver newborn photography Molly Garg Photography