It wasn’t long ago that I posted these photos of my new little guy.  Well, you know what they say- time flies! And it truly has.  Adding another sweet boy to our family has been such a blessing. It’s fun to see how Talan differs from his brother and how they are the same. It is especially touching to see how much they really love each other. Those first months when Talan would cry, I would be trying everything to soothe him and his older brother would simply sing the ABCs, and like magic, the crying would stop. And when Talan first wakes in the morning, he looks around–I’m convinced he’s looking for his big brother.

I am so thankful for our two wonderfully happy, healthy boys!


I just love these “one year later” comparisons- so fun!


The below idea came from Pinterest (of course) and I’ve been making one each year for my oldest, framing it and displaying it in his room.  It’s such a fun way to reminisce and track what they enjoy at various times in their lives. I will also do the same for Talan- here’s is first “loves”: